Granted: we don’t come across a success story very often in life. And when we do, it is usually not recognizable at first glance. At the end of the day, the decisive question is also: How much do you yourself participate in whether or not a thing becomes a success story?
What is a success story?
Success stories can be found in many different areas of life, but in most cases they are associated with sporting or professional success. They usually show how someone stands up to seemingly overwhelming resistance and is ultimately successful with something.
Does a success story always happen planned?
A classic example of an unplanned success story was provided by the company 3M. You probably know the little yellow slips of paper that can be stuck anywhere and then removed again without leaving any residue. That’s right, they’re called Post-It – a worldwide success. How would such a nice chaos in the office be possible without these little notes?
Anyway, this success story started with a failure. The 3M research department had developed an adhesion formula that unfortunately did not do exactly what it was intended for: namely, stick. In the normal course of business, the manager of this department would probably have contacted his people and told them to forget about the stuff and develop a proper adhesive. In this case, however, things turned out differently: they found an application for this “non-glue” that was ultimately groundbreaking.
Is it always clear from the beginning whether something will be a success or not?
The example above shows: No, it’s not always clear from the beginning. In retrospect, it often seems that way, and one thinks: “Of course, everything had to happen like this”, but at earlier times there was often uncertainty and scepticism.
However, this means that those people who put everything on track at the beginning of a success story are often tormented by doubts. And in many cases, everything revolves around ensuring that, in the event of failure, they do not look stupid in front of friends and colleagues later on.
Is this about certain types of people?
Not necessarily. Maybe more about what these people are focusing on: Is it that they’re not doing anything wrong, or are they driven by a kind of passion that makes them “burn” for their subject?
Somehow these people are like pioneers. They don’t know exactly what the journey will bring, but: they set out boldly. They hope for a better future and try to go down paths that have never been taken before. And above all: they do not let themselves be discouraged by setbacks. Because it is not the one who falls who loses, but the one who does not get up again afterwards.
What does all this have to do with regeneration-based build-up training?
Although the underlying findings have been available since the 1990s, very few strength athletes seem to pay particular attention to the regeneration of muscles after heavy training sessions. As the main measure against overtraining, which is known to stand in the way of building up success, an attempt is made to give the muscles enough time to recover by choosing an appropriate split program.
As there seemed to be no useful assistance systems available to show the daily state of the previously trained muscles, myTRS was considered to be developed. It offers athletes an orientation without patronizing them or creating a fundamental problem of data protection for sensitive personal data by measuring sensitive body values.
And the practical experience shows: Some users are used to doing what others do. Or to do what they have already done yesterday. But such an attitude in the sense of an “auto-pilot” stands in the way of progress or real change – because there is one thing above all else that is needed in the first step: an open mind.
What role do you yourself play in our success story?
But what role do you actually play as a member of the big fitness and weight training family? Are you more the conservative type who likes to follow proven patterns? Or do you give new approaches a chance to prove themselves in practice?
Perhaps there will come a time when it will be difficult to imagine ignoring the regeneration phase, which is so important for building up. Maybe people will say, ” Well, it had to happen.” Will you then already be one of those people who have been training according to this philosophy for a long time? Or will you still be convinced that enough sleep will be enough for regeneration?