How often should you train individual body parts every week? What ratio of training and regeneration is actually advisable for muscle build-up and strength increase? Some thoughts about the danger of clearly doing too much of a good thing for favourite body parts.
(Dis-) Proportionality?
The most common mistake?
Mankind is suffering massively from a central error in thinking, which many still do not understand. It is:
More is better.
And that is: Wrong! Because effects in complex systems such as the human body depend not only on the type of causes, but also on their quantity. Example? A glass of water will quench your thirst and do you good. Too much of it will drown you.
And it is similar with training, which is first and foremost an (extraordinary) stress for your body that it has to cope with.
What is the right balance between load and regeneration?
Our muscles only have a chance to grow after hard training loads if we let them grow for a sufficiently long time. And when does this growth take place: Correct – in the regeneration phase after the actual training.
So the point is not to set too many training stimuli with too short recovery times. Unless you want to leach your body – which may be a kind of “shock therapy” for a short time, but probably never makes sense in the long run.
How does myTRS support?
myTRS shows you at a glance how long which muscle groups still need recovery. With this information you can plan your training based on regeneration to give your muscles enough time to grow. The traffic light system helps you with orientation:
- Red: spare your muscles on this day
- Yellow: only train your muscles on this day if it is absolutely necessary
- Green: muscle is sufficiently regenerated and ready for the next training stimulus
On the distribution of roles for Body & Shape
Maybe you’re wondering by now: Is it always the man who’s stupid in Body and Shape?
First of all, our two mascots only want to point out widespread errors with a wink. This has nothing to do with trying to make anyone look stupid. It is just an attempt to present some topics in a rather humorous way.
But back to the question: We assume that not always the man will be presented in the role of the naive. Whereby: It seems to be observable again and again that women are much less susceptible to testosterone-controlled rideouts than we men.
Well … where there is light, there is also shadow.