experiences, know-how

Old School Bodybuilding vs. New Fitness Trends (part 1)

Available Technical Options Weight training, strength training, bodybuilding, powerlifting, Olympic lifting, general conditioning and sports training have been around for years. Whether old school bodybuilding or new fitness trends: It gets to be a little confusing of what to do, with the evolution of new equipment to use, development of train techniques, nutrition and new findings in recovery/regeneration of muscle…

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experiences, opinions

We are indulgence trainees

I admit it: I am an alien. Why? Because I enjoy doing what many people are only willing to do from New Year’s to early March: Challenge your body with body-building workouts. Straight up: I’m an indulgence trainee. However, I never used to be as consistent as I have been in recent years. So I wasn’t born to persevere –…

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Why Rocky had to wait almost 40 years

The movie “Rocky III” was a blockbuster. With Sylvester Stallone in the title role, it was far more than just two hours of entertainment for many people: In the early eighties, the ball was set rolling for many people in terms of training – including me. Sometimes it takes a little longer Normally, I don’t like to keep people waiting.…

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Honeymoon with premonitions?

It was June 1992, and it was our honeymoon. That I would spend the rest of my life with my wife was somehow clear to me. But that I would find something here in Hawaii that our then still unborn daughter would be able to use 27 years later, I certainly didn’t suspect at the time. Granted: On a honeymoon,…

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