Weight training and bodybuilding are about commitment, discipline and consistency – no question about it. But despite all the seriousness, what should never be neglected is the fun of it all. Blog version of the post series of our accounts on Instagram @mytrs_fitness and facebook @mytrs.fitness in 4 parts. Let’s bring back the fun! What could we do to bring…
Category: opinions
Let’s get the fun back (part 3)
Weight training and bodybuilding are about commitment, discipline and consistency – no question about it. But despite all the seriousness, what should never be neglected is the fun of it all. Blog version of the post series of our accounts on Instagram @mytrs_fitness and facebook @mytrs.fitness in 4 parts. Let’s bring back the fun! How could we actually lose it,…
We are indulgence trainees
I admit it: I am an alien. Why? Because I enjoy doing what many people are only willing to do from New Year’s to early March: Challenge your body with body-building workouts. Straight up: I’m an indulgence trainee. However, I never used to be as consistent as I have been in recent years. So I wasn’t born to persevere –…
Let’s get the fun back (part 2)
Weight training and bodybuilding are about commitment, discipline and consistency – no question about it. But despite all the seriousness, what should never be neglected is the fun of it all. Blog version of the post series of our accounts on Instagram @mytrs_fitness and facebook @mytrs.fitness in 4 parts. Let’s bring back the fun! Everyone demands top performance from us.…
Think and grow old? Natural Bodybuilding as an essential part of a fulfilled life
You’ve probably heard the saying: Everyone wants to grow old, but no one wants to be old. Well, there’s probably something to that. But does old age always have to go hand in hand with physical problems that you almost inevitably think about? Mobility and sufficient strength for everyday activities stand for quality of life. Let’s approach the matter and…