
Finally a beginner!

Can one also be happy about small steps that seem almost ridiculous to others? I would say: Yes! A representation of the joy of looking like a beginner after a lifetime of training. Everything always the same? Not everyone who starts with weight training has the same prerequisites. This starts with the time available for sports activities in addition to…

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Are you part of a success story?

Granted: we don’t come across a success story very often in life. And when we do, it is usually not recognizable at first glance. At the end of the day, the decisive question is also: How much do you yourself participate in whether or not a thing becomes a success story? What is a success story? Success stories can be…

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Just take a whole year …

Just a quick remodelling of your own body? It’ll all be over in a couple of weeks, right? About the approach of taking it easy for a whole year – but enjoying other benefits in return. Lots of new muscles – in no time at all! Get to work! Now quickly gain 10 pounds of mass – and that in…

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Injuries as a suppressed danger?

Acute injuries during training are not only a nuisance, but can end entire sports careers. To prevent this from happening, trainers of all ages should pay attention to designing their workout in such a way that the risk of injury is reduced as much as possible. An essential role in preventing injuries is played by complete regeneration between intensive training…

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