job, opinions, website addition

Efficient training means: Neither wasting time nor energy.

Efficient training means making the best possible use of time and energy. Especially when both are only available to a limited extent, this is above all: well thought-out training planning. Long working days, little free time? You can tell a thing or two about this? No matter how much you decide to do it: Time and again, something comes up…

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bodystyling, opinions, website addition

Hard training: Of course. But intelligent training?

Not only hard, but also intelligent training? What does that mean? Do you already need a degree for your workout? No, don’t worry: it’s less about detailed medical knowledge than about a smart and clever alternation between training load and recovery. What is the goal of your training? Let’s start all over again: Why do you train? What do you…

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opinions, prevention, website addition

Chronic overload: The enemy in the distance?

Continuous overloading, over weeks, months, years: such a situation is the ideal breeding ground for chronic cases of injury. And since their treatment can turn out to be difficult and protracted, it is probably best to avoid the overloading situation that causes them in the first place. Acute or chronic? The temporal aspect of an injury Recognize a muscle rupture?…

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bodybuilding, opinions, website addition

Regeneration-based build-up training for advanced athletes?

Do advanced users need an app that recommends what to train and when? Isn’t that a disregard for their experience? Or can there really be aspects that are clearly to be seen as enrichment – also or even especially for advanced athletes? You know best how to train yourself? Of course you do – you’ve been training for years, and…

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