Can one also be happy about small steps that seem almost ridiculous to others? I would say: Yes! A representation of the joy of looking like a beginner after a lifetime of training. Everything always the same? Not everyone who starts with weight training has the same prerequisites. This starts with the time available for sports activities in addition to…
Are you part of a success story?
Granted: we don’t come across a success story very often in life. And when we do, it is usually not recognizable at first glance. At the end of the day, the decisive question is also: How much do you yourself participate in whether or not a thing becomes a success story? What is a success story? Success stories can be…
Honeymoon with premonitions?
It was June 1992, and it was our honeymoon. That I would spend the rest of my life with my wife was somehow clear to me. But that I would find something here in Hawaii that our then still unborn daughter would be able to use 27 years later, I certainly didn’t suspect at the time. Granted: On a honeymoon,…
What, please, is micro-trauma?
There is constant talk of these “micro-traumas” when it comes to regeneration-based training. But what is that actually? What does the word even mean? You may know the word “trauma” from car accidents. The term means quite simply: an injury caused by the use of force. The word “micro” stands for something very small. So: micro-traumas are very small injuries.…
Regeneration: Always the same?
For many, the term “regeneration” sounds like a wellness holiday and diminishing bite. Often only one thing is understood by it: The time between two training sessions. But what is regeneration all about? And is regeneration really always the same? Or does it make a difference how you trained before? First of all: No, regeneration is not always the same.…