
Just take a whole year …

Just a quick remodelling of your own body? It’ll all be over in a couple of weeks, right? About the approach of taking it easy for a whole year – but enjoying other benefits in return. Lots of new muscles – in no time at all! Get to work! Now quickly gain 10 pounds of mass – and that in…

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Injuries as a suppressed danger?

Acute injuries during training are not only a nuisance, but can end entire sports careers. To prevent this from happening, trainers of all ages should pay attention to designing their workout in such a way that the risk of injury is reduced as much as possible. An essential role in preventing injuries is played by complete regeneration between intensive training…

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myTRS information

Training partner – also without gym? Stay connected!

Stay in touch with coaching clients and training partners? See what the others are doing? With myTRS everyone trains at their own pace. And yet it is still possible to keep track of the current status, recently completed exercises as well as the planning of the next workout of friendly users. Stay connected! What are training partners in myTRS? Training…

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