know-how, short & sweet

Regeneration or overtraining?

Overtraining is your enemy: it makes build-up success more difficult. So your task is to avoid overtraining. Hard training: yes, but without the danger of weakening your own body.

What is overtraining?

You are overtrained if your muscles can never fully recover over a long period of time. The problem: You don’t get stronger or more massive, but weaker. You feel exhausted and have no desire to train anymore. All things you don’t want to have.

How can I avoid overtraining?

By keeping track of when you have trained which exercises and how hard. And then think about which muscles were involved in those exercises.

If you then also know how long it takes which muscles to fully recover and grow, then you have almost won: Then you can find out when which muscle can be trained hard again.

Won’t that make me an accountant?

myTRS takes a lot out of you here. You don’t have to do the calculations for what you read above. You just do the following:

  • You choose the exercises that you train from a catalogue.
  • For each of these exercises you indicate how hard you have trained them (with what intensity: easy, normal or hard).

The rest is done by myTRS: It shows you the current state of your body at any time. Or the preview of the coming days. And suggests exercises for the next workout. Not just any, but the ones that fit.

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