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Sometimes the best training is:
No training at all.

The build-up after hard training takes place only in the phase of regeneration. If the muscle is loaded again too early, the desired build-up success is not possible.

Recovery is for wimps?

You shouldn’t be mistaken! Because regeneration is not only quite nice, but absolutely necessary – at least if you want to build up. Why?

The training itself is for the muscle above all one thing: stress. And it’s really heavy: during hard training, microscopically small cracks appear in the muscle fibers, so-called microtraumas. And this is basically okay, because it is precisely these injuries that cause the desired build-up impulse. However, we will not go into detail here on how this happens with all the satellite cells, the increase in cellular fluid or the build-up of strength in the filaments.

Unwanted self-sabotage?

So basically: Why is regeneration so important? Quite simply: Only after complete recovery and an ideally excessive recovery (supercompensation) is the muscle ready to be confronted with the next impulse to build up in the form of a hard workout. If it is loaded again too early, the still incomplete build-up process is interrupted – and who would like to do that?

The challenge: Not only to train hard, but also to train intelligently! In other words: Only those muscle parts that have recovered sufficiently since the last workout. After all, build-up training is not an end in itself – it depends on the results.

Note: This article is a supplement to the myTRS website.

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