Up-to-date and personal: As an individualist, you prefer a tailor-made workout. No training according to rigid guidelines, but flexible and varied.
Enough with bland!
All right – train your chest today, but spare your triceps. Bench press is out of the question, and neither are dips. But which exercises would make sense? And what would be better to plan for tomorrow? Everything hasn’t been that easy since a full body workout is no longer an issue for you.
With myTRS you get exercise suggestions that match your current stress situation. And that means: The different recovery times of the muscles result in different exercise combinations, which not only make your training effective, but also varied. The best remedy against boredom, which often enough leads to people hanging up their training in the end.
Everyday life out, motivation in!
One could say: myTRS as a remedy for the grey everyday life. Why don’t you get your daily fresh and tailor-made split training! Because the current condition of your muscles is what counts when planning your today’s workout.
Oh yes – and because of the still loaded triceps myTRS will probably suggest flying movements. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?
Note: This article is a supplement to the myTRS website.