myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training

The online tool for your clients.
And for you.

One, two, three:
Everyone benefits from myTRS?

A helpful tool – but for whom?

It' s hard to deny that athletes benefit from a tool that helps them better consider the recovery they need after a hard workout. But what about coaches, personal trainers and studio operators? Aren't these digital tools more of a threat to them, because the users will then only listen to their devices and only want to train at home? Then rather oldschool bodybuilding without any digital support?

Digitization has brought forth many things that can be questioned as to their usefulness. Sometimes even downright hypes arise around devices and apps, which promise the user heaven and earth – especially when it comes to allegedly fast and guaranteed success. In any case, we do not want to bring such exaggerations here.

But first things first: Let's take a closer look at the situation around myTRS calmly and in three steps.

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Regeneration is not measurable – is it?

A device that calculates when a previously loaded muscle should be trained again? How can this work? Because if we define regeneration as the complete recovery of the micro-traumas created during hard training, then the question arises: How is this to be determined? Which metrics are suitable to determine the complete repair of the damaged structures? And how would an app do that without ramming hundreds of sensors into the muscles of the exercising user?

First, very important: Our online tool is not an algorithm that knows all the necessary factors and calculates a compellingly correct result from them. Rather, myTRS proceeds heuristically: On the basis of some relevant factors, probable results are estimated and derived. It may be that the result that emerges from this is not one hundred percent accurate for the specific individual case, but: As helpful suggestion for own considerations such an „experience based procedure” can quite be useful.

So let's not fall into the trap of „all-or-nothing”: Even for a trip in your own car, a simple schematic draft is often enough for the experienced driver to know what to do. It is usually not necessary that a navigation device gives its recommendations every second of the journey: Often it is enough to know the three to five crucial junctions of a route in order to find your way around easily.

And that is what myTRS could be compared to:  A draft that gives the trainee an overview  of how the load or regeneration of his muscle parts might be.

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Opening up new business models?

In all likelihood, you are not operating in a non-competitive space either. The constant search for useful ways to differentiate from the competition is therefore probably also part of your daily bread.

How might your service spectrum change if you use the myTRS online tool to collaborate with your clients?

Is this about a specific training plan?

No. If anything, it's about a special trainingphilosophy.

The concept of regeneration based build-up training is based on information that was already published in the nineties and is still included in teaching documents of trainer education today. John Comereski of New York wrote an article back in 1992 that covered interesting findings from the International Sports Sciences Association and was published in the US journal Muscle & Fitness. By the way, an original issue of this magazine is in possession of the myTRS team.

What has been missing for many years was the possibility to make this rather complex topic manageable by means of computer technology for practical everyday use. Today it is different, and so myTRS was developed as an online tool in the form of a   web app, which supports the cooperation between coach and his clients through its unusual range of services 

The picture above shows John Comereski, taken in 1989 in Santa Monica, CA. You can find his original article here: Early inspiration

Does this fitness app want to replace trainers and coaches?

No. Because we think:  A tool like myTRS is not meant to replace people, but to support them. 

How to do that? myTRS offers you as a trainer some new possibilities to actively accompany your clients as they work on their build-up success. Your activity may shift more to the strategic or to the detailed operational area: Both the basic training planning of your clients (goals, annual cycle, targeted repetition range, etc.) or very specific optimization of exercise execution (technique, training method, cadences, etc.) could gain in importance, while split program planning will probably automatically take up less space.

Anyway: With myTRS  you can offer your clients something that not everyone has yet:  A workout that is individualized each time, based on the athlete's current load profile or recovery status.

By the way, boredom has also no chance anymore!

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Take advantage of current opportunities!

Not everything that presents itself as new is actually a good opportunity. How about myTRS? Is it worth the effort to get to know and evaluate this tool? Does the opportunity to bring a new dimension to your relationship with your clients prevail?

Only you can judge that. Decide for yourself!

Standard therapy?

People who go to the doctor probably don't want a standard therapy, but a treatment that is tailored to their very specific case. In other words, a therapy created after a detailed anamnesis and expert diagnosis by a competent physician.

As a personal trainer, you can take some of this basic thinking to provide customized recommendations to your clients: With myTRS, you can determine at any time what condition your client's muscle parts are in today. And on this basis, if necessary, compile your recommendations for the upcoming training.

Get an idea of how myTRS can help you provide your customers with  support that is as flexible as it is spot-on! 

Loyal members?

As a studio owner, are you always looking for good ideas on how to attract and retain your  members as loyal customers For example, how about low-cost lending equipment for the use of myTRS in the Gym?

Successful athletes go to the gym often and with pleasure: The motivational impact of effective workouts brings energy and stamina for consistent training. These are the customers your studio thrives on – not those whose good intentions last from December 31 to January 1.

And should your customers sometimes not find their way to the gym: With myTRS, you stay in touch and can – if your clients allow it – track the alternate home workout of your protégés and help out with targeted advice when needed. This new quality of care is also likely to additionally improve your customer loyalty.

Get an overview for yourself of the benefits myTRS has to offer for people who train! And find out if your gym could benefit from it, too.

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Andrea Lipp

Interested in  development cooperation? 

Our online tool myTRS is under constant development. And since practical relevance is a key issue for us, we are happy to help our partners get started quickly. We won't leave you alone:

  • Detailed individual training with insider tips and background information (online meeting)
  • Support with the online support of the first clients
  • Free coupons for annual licenses at half price for 10 of your clients (30 euros each instead of 60 euros)
  • Free licenses for two people from your company for the duration of the development collaboration

Apply to become a cooperation partner: Tell us in short words what is the main motivation for you to work with us. We look forward to hearing from you via email ( or as a direct message on Facebook ( or Instagram (@mytrs_fitness).

See you soon!

However: myTRS  is NOT for you  if ...

  • you absolutely want to prescribe a fixed training plan for your clients,
  • you do not want to serve your customers truly individually, oder
  • you also don't want to try out a new variant of a special customer relationship.
Too bad, but: In such a case myTRS is probably really NOT the right tool for you ...