myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training

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Use of the online tool

See what myTRS is all about. What it looks like and how it works. So that you quickly see through the operation of the online tool. And thereby also benefit from it as quickly as possible – with the most flexible split program you've ever tried.

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Every day is different: planning today's workout

How does the online tool help you find suitable exercises for today's training? Which muscles to spare today, which not? And how is today's workout prepared?

But rather old school? Print training plan

Don't like operating digital devices during your workout? Then just take your prepared training plan with you in paper form. You record the entries manually and enter them later in myTRS.

Capturing today's workout

How to enter your workout records in paper form on the same day: Record in the online tool which of the planned exercises you have trained with which intensity. Comments will help you next time to put on the right weight from the beginning.

Capture training the next day

How to enter your workout records in paper form on a later day: First open the training of the desired day in the training list. Then record the intensity and comments of the individual exercises.

Anticipatory training planning

What will happen in the coming days? Which muscles are then still loaded, which are already in supercompensation? Planning today's workout in terms of how recovery will go over the next few days.

Training review

Today's workout was completed. How often was a training done and when? How accurately were the targeted muscles loaded? Wie viele Trainings-Reize wurden gesetzt, und wie verteilt sich die Belastung auf die einzelnen Muskel-Partien?
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myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training

Seriously challenge your body.
But in a natural and healthy way.

Impulse videos for beginners

Log in, log out

Navigate to in your browser: How to log in and out. If you want, you can put a checkmark to stay logged in on this device and in this browser.

Appearance of myTRS

Web app for different internet end devices. Appearance depending on screen size. Structure and use of the menu bar.

Navigation in myTRS

Upper icon bar. Large buttons on the welcome page. Buttons at the bottom of the pages. Full menu at the top right of the icon bar.

myTRS mode: core and full

core for beginners with reduced functionality and large navigation buttons, full with complete functionality and smaller but more navigation elements.

Help inside myTRS

Dealing with info texts. Using the jumpstart start mode. Questions and answers.

Capture first training

Mode: myTRS core. Body chart and muscle part selection. Exercise catalog with exercise illustrations. Booking exercises. List of today's exercises. Performing exercises: Intensity, comments. Color changes in body chart and preview. Display the condition before today's training.

Recording earlier workout

Mode: myTRS full. Body chart. Exercise catalog. Booking an exercise, more info texts. Completing exercises: Date, intensity. Color changes in body chart and preview.

Jumpstart in myTRS core

Switch on jumpstart mode. Select muscle for today's workout. Select exercise, save intensity and comments. Check result. Switch off jumpstart mode.

Jumpstart in myTRS full

Switch on jumpstart mode. Select muscle for training. Select exercise, save intensity and comments. Check result. Switch off jumpstart mode.

Individual user settings

User symbol image, color scheme, body chart: change visual aspects. Set language and local time.

Backup of your training data

Create a backup file with your training data. Download for local saving.

Buy licenses for unlimited use

Allow any number of booked exercises. Information about licenses. Configure new license. Buy license. Invoice as PDF file.
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myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training

New build-up success.
Especially for advanced athletes.

Impulse videos for advanced athletes

Spontaneous workout planning

Mode: myTRS core. Check current condition in the body chart. Selection of muscle parts to be trained. Selecting exercises for today's workout. Create a list of planned exercises for later.

Training plan on paper

Mode: myTRS full, menu item PDF reports. Selection of the date range. Export the list of scheduled exercises to a PDF file.

Complete scheduled workout

Mode: myTRS core. Open already scheduled workout. Complete exercises. Save intensity and comments. Deleting a scheduled exercise and adding another one. Checking the effects of the workout.

Status overview

Color box with number of muscle parts. Comparison with body chart. Display of the respective muscle parts.

Progress bar

Mode: myTRS core. Phase 1: Which muscle to train? Phase 2: Which exercise? Phase 3: What are the results? Use of the active elements of the progress bar.

Training partners

Overview of statistical values from partners, but also own. Read access to data shared by partners.

Exercises catalog

Show and hide filter settings. Types of exercise and joints involved. Main loaded or assisting. Filter by name part. Open catalog from body chart and preview. Explanations in info text.

Training analyses

Training days and hit ratio. Hide cardio-only workouts. Muscle stimulation and hiding of assisting muscles. Training year and curve analysis. Explanations in the blue info text area.


Daily, weekly and monthly tasks: What to do to continue with the build-up training. The checklist as a control center to use important functions of myTRS.

Documentation of your training

Graph analysis of a specific month. Create PDF reports for training documentation: Overview and detailed training log.

Analysis of the top 10 exercises

Investigation of which exercises were trained most frequently. Narrowing down the time period and the muscle group considered. Exclude assisting load.

Dice for exercise selection

Select muscle to train and explore list of exercises. Roll the dice to select an exercise from the list. Repeat until you find an exercise you like.
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myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training myTRS: Online tool for muscle build-up and weight training

Your personal workout planning:
Tailor-made and up-to-date.

No answer found?

You have a question that you couldn't find an answer to here and in myTRS itself? No problem: send us an email to, and we will take care of your request as soon as possible.

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